

Subscription types

There are 4 different subscription types. One County, Two County Five Counties and Entire Country. For the One County and Five County options you will be able to select whichever county/counties you like. For more information, please visit our FAQ´s page. For companies with more than one office, additional offices can be signed up with their own usernames and passwords by contacting us at


Prices are as follows:
Single County: €37.00 per month
Two Counties: €59.00 per month
5 Counties: €77.00 per month
26 Counties: €163.00 per month

We also provide a Multi User option, please contact us on 042 9395022 for more information.

For more information please view our FAQ page and/or contact us at

 I accept the Terms and Conditions and I confirm that I am signing up for a subscription product that will be billed at regular intervals. Continued use of the product is contingent on my payment of the subscription. Details about the pricing and frequency of the billing were shown to me on the subscription options page.

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